
CFS 7-Day Cancellation Policy

At CrossFit Santry, we value transparency and clear communication with our members. As part of our commitment to providing exceptional service, we have implemented a 7-day cancellation policy for all our memberships. By purchasing a membership at CrossFit Santry, you are agreeing to abide by the terms of this policy.

1. Notice REquirement

1.1 To pause or terminate your membership, a minimum of 7 days' notice must be given to CrossFit Santry management.

1.2 Notice can be provided in person at our facility, via email, or through our designated communication channels.

2. Consequences of Non-Compliance

2.1. Failure to provide the required 7 days' notice to pause or terminate your membership will result in your next month's fee being charged as normal.

3. Exceptions

3.1. In exceptional circumstances such as medical emergencies or unforeseen events, CrossFit Santry management may waive the 7-day notice requirement at their discretion.

4. MEmebership pause

4.1. Members may also choose to pause their membership for a specific period, provided the 7-day notice is given. During the paused period, membership fees will be suspended.

5. Termination of Membership

5.1. If you wish to terminate your membership, the cancellation will take effect at the end of the current billing cycle following the 7-day notice period.

6. Amendments to the Policy

6.1. CrossFit Santry reserves the right to amend this cancellation policy at any time. Members will be notified of any changes in writing or via email.

By purchasing a membership at CrossFit Santry, you acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms of this 7-day cancellation policy.